The Church of San Fortunato is a church in Perugia, located in Piazza Braccio Fortebraccio, between Via Pinturicchio and Via Bartolo, in the northern part of the historical center of the city. The church, one of the oldest in Perugia, is dedicated to Saint Fortunatus of Todi. SHORT HISTORY According to tradition, the church was built on the ruins of an Etruscan structure, not far from the Arch of Augustus. However, the presence of the church is attested since 1163. Around 1630, the Sylvestrines (Congregazione Silvestrina) moved here from the Church of Santa Maria Nuova, which in turn was sold to the Servants of Mary. The Church of San Fortunato was rebuilt starting with 1634. In 2017, after long restoration works following the 1997 earthquake, the church was reopened for worship, and also became a multipurpose space for cultural activities. ART AND ARCHITECTURE On the facade of the church, there is a round arched portal, surmounted by a rose window. Above the rose window, there is a mullioned window in the center, and two other single windows on the sides. The portal and the windows have terracotta frames. The roof and the bell-gable are remains of the medieval Read more [...]
All Churches in Perugia
Italy has many churches, and all of them are beautiful and full of spectacular works of art. The main church of the city is referred as Il Duomo, but you will find churches that are named Basilica, Chiesa or Cattedrale, depending on their size and importance.
Some of the most beautiful churches in Italy are the Basilica di San Marco and the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari in Venice, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the Basilica di Santa Croce in Florence, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome, the Cathedral of the Nativity of Saint Mary and the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Orvieto and the Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore in Verona.
Church of the Maestà delle Volte
The Church of the Maestà delle Volte is a former church in Perugia, located in Via Maestà delle Volte, a few meters away from Piazza IV Novembre. Today, the structure houses a clothing store, but its facade – the only remnant of the old church, still retains its beautiful architecture and some of the original frescoes. SHORT HISTORY In 1297, on the street which passes under Palazzo del Podesta, was placed a fresco known as Maestà delle Volte, which most likely portrayed a Madonna with Child. In 1335, an oratory was built to house the fresco. Later, the oratory was replaced by a larger church, erected between 1440 and 1470. Agostino di Duccio decorated the church in 1475. The church was damaged in 1534, when Ridolfo Baglioni conquered Perugia and set fire to the adjacent palace. Restorations took place in 1538, and again between 1557 and 1558. In 1566, when the church became part of the Episcopal Seminary, Bishop Fulvio della Corgna initiated further renovations. The church was a meeting place for the Company of Death (Compagnia della Morte) until the end of the 16th century. Then, the organization moved to its own church, Church of Compagnia della Buona Read more [...]
Basilica of San Domenico
Basilica of San Domenico, one of the most important churches in Perugia, overlooks a small square, Piazza Giordano Bruno, and can be seen from all over the city, thanks to the 126 meters high tower. SHORT HISTORY The Dominicans arrived in Perugia around 1230 and, between 1231 and 1260, they built a primitive church where the Basilica of San Domenico stands today. In the years to come, the Dominican order will become important and, in 1304, the construction of a new, larger church will begin. The church will be consecrated by Pope Pio II Piccolomini in 1459. At the start of the 17th century, the nave collapsed and the church was entirely rebuilt following Carlo Maderno’s design, between 1629 and 1632. ARCHITECTURE The church has an impressive facade, which opens at the top to a stairway with a double ramp. Inside, it has the layout of a Latin cross and is characterised by simplicity. The austerity of the nave contrasts the Gothic style of the glass windows, dated from 1411 and signed by Bartolomeo di Pietro and by Mariotto di Nardo. The top window, 23 meters high, is the largest of the era after the Duomo of Milan. Read more [...]
Cathedral of San Lorenzo
The Cathedral of San Lorenzo is the Cathedral of Perugia, located in Piazza IV Novembre, in the historical center of the city. The cathedral is dedicated to Saint Lawrence, deacon in the service of Pope Sixtus II, martyred in Rome in the year 258. The church is part of a larger architectural complex which, taken as a whole, is known as the Island of San Lorenzo or the Castle of San Lorenzo. SHORT HISTORY A church was built on this area in the 9th century, on the remains of the ancient forum of the Etruscan city. The church was rebuilt later, between the 11th and the 12th centuries, to house the remains of the bishop Ercolano, martyred during the Ostrogoth invasion, in the 6th century. At the beginning of the 14th century, the church was expanded under the supervision of the Benedictine monk Bevignate of Cingoli. A considerable time passed between the planning and the completion of the works, two centuries later, in 1507. In the second half of the 19th century, by the will of Cardinal Gioacchino Pecci, then bishop of Perugia and future pontiff, the cathedral received a Neo-Gothic appearance, which was preserved to this day. Read more [...]