The Pisan June (Giugno Pisano) is a series of events that take place every year during the month of June, in Pisa. The climax of the festival is represented by the celebrations held in honor of the patron saint of the city, San Ranieri (Saint Rainerius), on June 17.
The Pisan June 2022 will probably begin at the end of May, with the historical game of Mazzascudo, and end at the beginning of July, when the ceremony of the Marriage with the Sea will be held.
Originally, Giugno Pisano included only the Luminara di San Ranieri, held on June 16, and the Palio of San Ranieri, held on the day of the Saint, on June 17.
In order to create a month of interesting events, Gioco del Ponte (Battle of the Bridge) was also moved to June, on the last Saturday of the month. Over time, many other events were initiated, more or less linked to Saint Rainerius.
Noteworthy are the recovered traditions of Mazzascudo, which takes place each year on May 28, in Piazza dei Cavalieri, and the Marriage with the Sea, which is held at the beginning of July. Although placed on different months, the two events usually open and close the Pisan June.
Once every four years, the Pisan June also includes the Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics (Regata delle Antiche Repubbliche Marinare), the historical reenactment event recalling the rivalry of the most famous Italian maritime republics: Amalfi, Pisa, Genoa and Venice, during which four rowing crews representing each republic compete against each other.
- May 28 (TBC) – Mazzascudo, a historical reenactment event held in Piazza dei Cavalieri;
- June 16 – Luminara di San Ranieri, a candlelight festival;
- June 17 – Palio di San Ranieri, a regatta in honor of the patron saint of the city;
- June 25 – Gioco del Ponte, the Battle of the Bridge held on the Ponte di Mezzo;
- June (TBC) – Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics;
- July 6 (TBC) – Marriage with the Sea.
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