Tag: Agostino di Duccio in Perugia

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    Church of the Maestà delle Volte

    The Church of the Maestà delle Volte is a former church in Perugia, located in Via Maestà delle Volte, a few meters away from Piazza IV Novembre. Today, the structure houses a clothing store, but its facade – the only remnant of the old church, still retains its beautiful architecture and some of the original frescoes.   SHORT HISTORY In 1297, on the street which passes under Palazzo del Podesta, was placed a fresco known as Maestà delle Volte, which most likely portrayed a Madonna with Child. In 1335, an oratory was built to house the fresco. Later, the oratory was replaced by a larger church, erected between 1440 and 1470. Agostino di Duccio decorated the church in 1475. The church was damaged in 1534, when Ridolfo Baglioni conquered Perugia and set fire to the adjacent palace. Restorations took place in 1538, and again between 1557 and 1558. In 1566, when the church became part of the Episcopal Seminary, Bishop Fulvio della Corgna initiated further renovations. The church was a meeting place for the Company of Death (Compagnia della Morte) until the end of the 16th century. Then, the organization moved to its own church, Church of Compagnia della Buona Read more [...]