Piazza Tre Martiri is one of the main squares of Rimini, located in the historical center of the city. SHORT HISTORY OF PIAZZA TRE MARTIRI The square is located on the site of the ancient Roman forum of Ariminum, at the intersection between the cardo and the decumanus maximus (the main north-south and west-east oriented Roman roads). In the Middle Ages, the square was known as Piazza delle Erbe, due to the market held there. Piazza Tre Martiri was remodeled in the 16th century, when it assumed its current elliptical configuration with arcades. At the beginning of the century, the small temple dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua was built. In 1547, the structure with the Clock Tower (Torre dell’Orologio) was erected. The Column of Julius Caesar was placed in the square in 1555 to celebrate the allocution addressed by the Roman general to his soldiers after they crossed the Rubicon. At the beginning of the 17th century, behind the Temple of Saint Anthony of Padua, the Minims of San Francesco di Paola founded the Paolotti Church (Chiesa dei Paolotti), which was rebuilt in 1729. In 1921, Via IV Novembre and Via Giuseppe Garibaldi were enlarged, and Arco dei Read more [...]
All Squares in Rimini
In Italy, a city square, commonly found at the meeting of two or more streets, is a piazza. Every Italian city has a piazza or more, with streets radiating from the center, with green areas and places to rest. As key points in a city, in the squares you can find shops and public transport stations, but the Italians use it especially for evening walks and meetings with friends. Also, the city's main events take place in the central square.
The worlds best known square may be the Piazza San Marco, in Venice, but we must not forget other beautiful squares like Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Piazza del Campo in Siena, Campo dei Miracoli in Pisa, Prato della Valle in Padua, Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Piazza San Pietro in Vatican, Piazza Navona and Piazza di Spagna in Rome, or Piazza del Plebiscito in Naples. Moreover, every town in Italy, no matter how small, has a beautiful main square that we invite you to discover.
Piazza Malatesta
Piazza Malatesta, once known as Piazza del Corso, is one of the main squares of Rimini, located in the northern part of the historical center of the city. SHORT HISTORY OF PIAZZA MALATESTA The square has medieval origins, and was attached to Piazza Cavour until the 17th century, when the public granary was built, and closed its eastern side. In the mid-19th century, the granary was replaced by the Vittorio Emanuele II Municipal Theater (Teatro Vittorio Emanuele II), today the Amintore Galli Theater (Teatro Amintore Galli). Most of the square was formerly occupied by the large moat of Castel Sismondo, filled in the 19th century. In the last decades, the square was used as a parking lot and market area. In 2015, a new renovation project started, which was completed in 2018, when the square returned to its Renaissance appearance. ARCHITECTURE OF PIAZZA MALATESTA The square covers an area of about 11,000 square meters, in front of the magnificent Castel Sismondo. Castel Sismondo, located in the western part of the square, was built at the behest of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, Lord of Rimini, starting with 1437, and completed about 15 years later. In the eastern side of Piazza Read more [...]
Piazza Cavour
Piazza Cavour is the main square of Rimini, located in the northern part of the historical center of the city. SHORT HISTORY OF PIAZZA CAVOUR Piazza Cavour became the political and economic center of the city at the beginning of the 13th century, when it gained importance after the construction of Palazzo dell’Arengo. During the 16th century, the square was named Piazza del Comune (Town Square) or Piazza della Fontana (Fountain Square) and underwent important changes. The old Palazzo dell’Arengo was enlarged and joined to the new Palazzo Garampi, in a single large monumental complex, while the Palace of San Silvestro, which closed the square towards Corso d’Augusto, was completely demolished. Between 1615 and 1620, on the western side of the square, the public granary was built, replaced in the mid-19th century by the Vittorio Emanuele II Theater (Teatro Vittorio Emanuele II), today the Amintore Galli Theater (Teatro Amintore Galli). ARCHITECTURE OF PIAZZA CAVOUR Three municipal buildings – Palazzo del Podestà, Palazzo dell’Arengo and Palazzo Garampi, define the northern side of the square. Palazzo dell’Arengo was built starting with 1204, and it was the meeting place for the council of the people of Rimini. It has a loggia Read more [...]