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    Gay-Odin is a chain of eleven stores, nine in Naples and one in Rome and Milan, that offers wonderful handmade chocolate products.   SHORT HISTORY The history of Gay-Odin, the famous Neapolitan chocolate shop, starts at the end of the 19th century, when the twenty-three year old Isidoro Odin, young chocolatier from Alba, embarks on his journey to Naples. Here, the combinations of flavors made by the young alchemist will seduce customers so much that, to satisfy everyone, Isidoro will open two other locations, the first in Via Toledo and then, in 1922, the factory in Via Vetriera, 12. Shortly, Gay-Odin has become a must, and the aromas created by Isidoro are officially part of the flavors of the Neapolitan tradition. In the sixties, Isidoro Odin and his wife Onorina Gay transfer their method to the Castaldi-Maglietta family. Both the choice of ingredients and the processing method remain the same, and Isidoro continues to manage the factory, supported by Nino and Giulio Castaldi. From the workshop of Via Chiaia, to the Chocolate Factory and to the online sale of artisan chocolate, Gay-Odin offers everyone the opportunity to be tempted by the artisan creations of their Maître Chocolatier.   HOW TO Read more [...]