The I-DAYS Festival 2025 will take place during the months of May, June and July, 2025, at the Ippodromo Snai La Maura, in Milan. > Buy Your Ticket Now The I-DAYS Festival, one of Italy‘s most celebrated music festivals, draws to Milan thousands of music lovers every year. Originally known as the Independent Days Festival, it was created to showcase indie and alternative music. Over the years, the festival has expanded its genres, attracting both mainstream and alternative music fans alike. WHAT ARE THE DATES FOR THE I-DAYS FESTIVAL 2025? The I-DAYS Festival 2025 will be basically a collection of concerts that will take place over a longer period in the summer of 2025. Usually, the concerts of the festival will take place in the months of May, June and July, 2025. These warm months create a perfect atmosphere for outdoor concerts and festival fun. The summer season also makes it easier for international tourists to visit Milan. With sunny days and cool nights, festivalgoers can enjoy the music in a comfortable outdoor setting. WHAT IS THE LOCATION OF THE I-DAYS FESTIVAL 2025? As in recent years, the I-DAYS Festival 2025 will take place in Milan, at the Read more [...]