Tag: Giorgio Maniace in Syracuse

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    Castello Maniace

    Castello Maniace is one of the most important monuments of the Swabian period, a magnificent example of the military architecture of the Roman Emperor Frederick II, located on the tip of the island of Ortygia, in Syracuse. The name of the castle derives from Giorgio Maniace, a Byzantine general who, in 1038, regained the city of Syracuse from the hands of the Arabs.   SHORT HISTORY On the place where the castle stands today, strategically important for the defense of the harbour, fortifications were built since the time of the Greeks. The building of the castle is attributed to Emperor Frederick II, who entrusted its construction to the architect Riccardo da Lentini, shortly after returning from the Crusade in the Holy Land. The construction took place between 1232 and 1239. In 1266, the castle passed to the Angevins and, in 1282, it was conquered by the Syracusans in the revolt of April 11. In 1325, Peter II of Sicily, the son of the King Frederick III of Sicily, built two forts supporting the castle. For almost the entire 15th century, the castle was used as a prison. After 1535, the Viceroy Ferrante I Gonzaga gave the assignment of strengthening the Read more [...]